Dec 14, 2017 | News
Tungsten Branding, a company naming and branding firm located in Brevard, has been nominated as one of the top five global branding firms by Clutch, a research firm in Washington, D.C., that ranks agencies based on consumer reviews, types of services offered and quality of work. Tungsten provided the brand development work for the recent refresh of the TVS logo and the development of the Cermount brand name for the commercial manufacturing division.
Tungsten Branding Founder Phil Davis, who started Tungsten Branding in 2003, said Clutch classifies their rankings based on the size and scale of the company, size of online presence and quality of testimonials…read more
Nov 15, 2017 | News
Special Olympics North Carolina held its annual Fall Tournament in Char-lotte Nov. 3-5. Athletes from all across the state competed in basketball, soccer, bocce, golf, roller skating and tennis at various venues in and around Charlotte. This event brings in over 1,000 athletes to compete in these sports. Transylvania County had a team to compete in soccer and a team to compete in soccer skills…read more
Oct 31, 2017 | News
Perry Johnson Registrars Food Safety Inc. featured TVS/Cermount in a client spotlight in the October issue of their industry newsletter… more
Oct 24, 2017 | News
From the Transylvania Times: At its core, Transylvania Vocational Services (TVS) is a business focused on employment opportunities for people with disabilities. As the month of October commemorates National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), TVS appreciates the recognition this month shows for its own employees, as well as all workers with disabilities…read more