Feeding Our World
What we make matters to those who make it and those who depend on it.
It’s almost impossible to come to TVS and find someone who isn’t wearing a smile that’s a reflection of the work they do. And that is simply because what we do matters to the people that make our products and to the people that depend on them.
As an AbilityOne partner, 75% of our manufacturing workforce is made up of people with disabilities and other life barriers doing the important work of feeding our world.
Through the gift of meaningful work and a sustainable living wage, we are able to help create better lives for our team while supporting the lives of others around our world with nutritious and delicious food products.
We are honored and privileged to be manufacturing and packaging food that supports our nation’s troops worldwide, feeds hungry children in food insecure nations and supports Americans who rely on food pantries across our great country.
Our Mountain Maid products feed our world.
In 2000, TVS began packaging instant dry milk under our newly introduced Mountain Maid brand, to support our valued partnership with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Today, TVS is the sole supplier of packaged instant non-fat dry milk to the USDA for their distribution program to food banks nationwide.

In one year our team makes enough Mountain Maid pancake mix for military chefs to serve 4.3 million pancakes to service members.

The amount of powdered milk shipped on behalf of USDA in 2020 to food pantries across the U.S., equivalent to over 18 million gallons of fluid milk.

The number of Super Cereal Plus servings shipped for USAID over the past decade nourishing hungry children around the globe.
Through the AbilityOne program, TVS has been able to secure additional government contracts, allowing us to expand the Mountain Maid line to include baking mixes and packaged nuts which currently supply the U.S. Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support. Currently, our Mountain Maid line has grown to over 20 delicious items and represents our deep commitment to our customers and the deserving people they feed.
Super Cereal Plus – Sustaining life in food-insecure regions.
The USDA, having experienced TVS’ focus on quality and innovation for more than a decade, invited us to be part of an R&D project to reformulate a staple food aid product to better serve the nutritional needs of children 6 – 24 months old at risk of starvation. The fruit of this effort was Super Cereal Plus, which when prepared with clean water, offers a fortified food source for children to complement the nutrition received from their mother’s breast milk. The USDA purchases Super Cereal Plus on behalf of USAID, which then donates the product to the World Food Programme for worldwide distribution. To date, TVS has supplied more than 250 million servings of this nutritional product! We are proud of our part in this collaboration to save lives.
We are grateful every day, that as we face OUR own challenges, we can support people all over the world with THEIRS. This is important work and it really does give us something to smile about!