Nov 15, 2017 | News
Special Olympics North Carolina held its annual Fall Tournament in Char-lotte Nov. 3-5. Athletes from all across the state competed in basketball, soccer, bocce, golf, roller skating and tennis at various venues in and around Charlotte. This event brings in over 1,000 athletes to compete in these sports. Transylvania County had a team to compete in soccer and a team to compete in soccer skills…read more
Oct 31, 2017 | News
Perry Johnson Registrars Food Safety Inc. featured TVS/Cermount in a client spotlight in the October issue of their industry newsletter… more
Oct 24, 2017 | News
From the Transylvania Times: At its core, Transylvania Vocational Services (TVS) is a business focused on employment opportunities for people with disabilities. As the month of October commemorates National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), TVS appreciates the recognition this month shows for its own employees, as well as all workers with disabilities…read more
Oct 16, 2017 | News
When Nancy Stricker got hit with her second diagnosis of breast cancer in 2012, 14 years after her first, she knew she needed to prepare herself for battle.
“There is a fine line between knowing that you can surrender to God’s will for your life, and not being willing to surrender your life,” Stricker said. “And so, I found it a fine line to walk.”
Her first diagnosis was in 1998, and it was treated quickly, with surgery and radiation.
“I was extremely blessed, and I went on with my life, with no real residual effects,” Stricker said. “You never really say that anybody’s cancer is minor or that they come out unaffected, even if one survives.”
Stricker led Transylvania Vocational Services (TVS), a social enterprise contract manufacturer in Brevard that hires people with disabilities, for 43 more
Oct 14, 2017 | News
TVS now packages four kinds of nuts for the U.S. Defense Logistics Agency. TVS (Transylvania Vocational Services), a social enterprise contract manufacturer in Brevard, has added more than a dozen new items to its contract packaging portfolio over the past few months. This increase in business has resulted in the creation of new jobs and additional shifts at the facility. TVS was awarded a federal contract from the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) to supply four varieties of nuts in addition to the variety of bakery mixes it already provides. The DLA is the Department of Defense’s largest logistics combat support agency, providing worldwide logistics support in both peacetime and wartime to the military services as well as several civilian agencies and foreign countries. TVS’ Mountain Maid® brand was designated the mandatory source of supply for English Walnut Halves and Pieces, Slivered Blanched Almonds, Sliced Blanched Almonds, and Sliced Natural Almonds, all of which are grown and harvested in the United States. TVS packages the nuts in one-pound flexible pouches via a semi-automated packaging line. To read a press release with more details click here