TVS Puts Its Own Spin on Valentine’s Day - T-V-S Overcoming Challenges | Feeding Our World

TVS celebrated Valentine’s Day this year with a twist! Since this particular holiday has a mixed reputation, our festivities focused on self-love, love for the planet, and love for the community.

Decorations concentrated within one short hallway transformed the corridor into a Tunnel of Love. Chains of hearts made from recycled paper hung from the ceiling between shining strands of red and purple beads. Uplifting valentines and heart-healthy recipes adorned the walls, along with suggestions for demonstrating love for oneself, the community, and the planet.

Amber Frederick, Industrial Contracts Supervisor, and her team were impressed with the week’s decorations. “They thought it was really cool!” she exclaimed.  Recalling the “love your planet” theme, Amber appreciated that the use of recycled decor highlighted the deeper layers of thought behind the gesture.

In addition to the Tunnel, a hand-collaged valentine box was pre-filled and left in the cafeteria for the week. Interested employees could reach in a grab a valentine with empowering quotes such as:

“Each person must live their life as a model for others.” –Rosa Parks

“Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.” –Coco Chanel

“To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.” –Oscar Wilde

Robin Ervin, Front Office Administrative Assistant, was pleased with the line she drew from Shakespeare’s Henry V, “Self-love, my liege, is not so great a sin as self-neglect.” She laughed as she pointed to the yellow square taped to the wall above her computer monitor, “I even hung it up!”

Robin also remarked that the valentine box appeared to provide individuals with unique messages, seemingly just for them. Amber echoed the sentiment, observing that most people who drew a valentine discerned unique interpretations, finding hidden meanings in the quotes applicable that were personally applicable.

The Life Skills crew weighed in, too. Support staff described the efforts as “creative” and festive.” The clients, however, were more enthused. Kim Chamberlain, Laura Newton, and Tyler Smith emphatically declared the Valentine’s Day embellishments “interesting,” “surprising,” and “great.”

TVS may never be able to fully express the love it has for its people, but overwhelming them with words of inspiration and encouragement appears to have been a solid attempt.