TVS Receives First Place for Float in Brevard Christmas Parade - T-V-S Overcoming Challenges | Feeding Our World

Hard work and planning paid off for TVS as our parade float won First Prize this year! Close to fifty clients, team members, and family members participated in this fun seasonal activity. The main feature was a 12 foot tall “Christmas Tree” constructed entirely of packaging used for our Mountain Maid brand of products, that serve the US Military and USDA domestic food aid programs. It was a stunning display, decorated with holiday bulbs, tinsel, and even a few of Brevard’s famous White Squirrels. Another equally enjoyable part of the float was several of our INTERACT clients playing Christmas carols using handbells, under the direction of Kathy Palmer. They delighted young and old with playful reditions of holiday favorites, including “Joy to the World”, which was this year’s parade theme.  And of course, as is customary, TVS “elves” passed out candy to children along the parade route.  The tree will be on display at TVS if local residents would like to come by and take a closer look.