TVS employees clean out closets for winter clothing drive

Immediately following our recent food donation, TVS began collecting winter clothing for the Life Changers Outreach. TVS employees cleaned out their closets and collected 200 winter clothing items for the donation. The donation was delivered to Life Changers Outreach on November 2.
With cold fronts moving in and chilly weather in the air, the collection included gently used coats, jackets, jean, and hoodies. Due to COVID restrictions, Life Changers also requested that some of the items be new, such as, gloves, socks, scarves, and beanies.
Life Changers Outreach focuses on helping men and women struggling with various types of bondages or life-controlling issues through Biblical studies, Christian counseling and worship. They offer a non-medical, non-psychiatric approach that focuses on achieving inner-healing for deep rooted issues that are often at the center of addiction.
You can learn more about the program at http://lifechangersoutreach.com/home