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“Free Spirit” artwork returns home to TVS

“Free Spirit” artwork returns home to TVS

Brevard, NC (November 18, 2019) – Every year the Free Rein Gala offers an opportunity for community members to participate in a silent and live auction. This year, TVS Life Skills participants created and donated “Free Spirit,” a mixed media piece of artwork. This beautifully crafted horse painting now carries a heartwarming journey.

“Free Spirit” was inspired by the fun and freedom that Free Rein provides for the TVS participants. The horse was created with different elements that relates to the experiences. The sand is representing the dusty ground, corn as a horse snack, and the feathers representing the outdoors and the feeling of flying that is experienced while riding the horses.

Each aspect of the artwork is thoughtful and expressive. “Our TVS participants greatly look forward to Free Rein each session,” said Life Skills Supervisor Suzanne Byers. “Free Rein allows us to challenge ourselves, overcome obstacles, and meet goals that everyday life experiences might not provide us the opportunity to do.”

Click here to read the full PDF or to view the Transylvania Times article.

TVS Diaper Drive Donates 50 Pounds of Needed Items

TVS Diaper Drive Donates 50 Pounds of Needed Items

Last month, TVS collected a total of 628 diapers to be donated to the Sharing House. Sizes ranged from the small premature size to training pants. Size 1 diapers had the largest total donated with 348 diapers. Along with the diapers, TVS employees also collected 3 packs of wipes and 12 bars of soap. The grand total ended up weighing a whopping 50 pounds. The diaper drive was organized by TVS Training & Development Specialist Emily Owens, who on Halloween dressed up as a Pinky the Ghost from Ms. Pac-Man. She rallied TVS team members and decorated the building with flyers.

TVS Gets a New Van

TVS Gets a New Van


TVS gets a new van

Earlier this year, Transylvania Vocational Services (TVS) received a grant from the Audrey Love Charitable Foundation. The generous donation allowed for TVS to purchase a new van to transport day program participants and Direct Support Providers (DSP) to community service events and volunteer activities.

The needs of TVS Life Skills program participants require special vehicles that can accommodate anyone. Ilderton Conversion Company helped in pricing and in customization. Ilderton specializes in vehicles that can serve individual purposes.

“We had been looking at purchasing a new vehicle for two years,” TVS Safety and Security Manager Jackie Compton said. “We were down to only one that had a wheelchair lift. We just did not the available funds at the time.”

The TVS Life Skills program provides enrichment opportunities for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities who are aging, retired, or have complex needs. Helping them stay engaged in the community often requires vehicles with special accommodations.

The Audrey Love Foundation has made generous donations in the past allowing TVS to continue to serve the mission of helping adults with disabilities thrive through work and social engagement.

Audrey Love would have been happy to help your worthy cause,” was written on the donation.

The Audrey Love Charitable Foundation was created by philanthropist Audrey Love, in support of her passion for the arts and philanthropy.

Love died in 2003 at 100 years old. She participated in the building of the Metropolitan Opera in New York and the Performing Arts Center in Miami.

She also had served on the Board of Directors of the New York Infirmary Hospital and as a member of the Committee for Deaf and Dumb Children in New York’s Lenox Hill Hospital. On the committee, she also assisted in raising money for the creation of its new wing.

Continuing her contributions, Love was also on the board of A.S.P.C.A. where she was awarded the Humanitarian Award.

About TVS TVS is a social enterprise contract manufacturer specializing in the blending and packaging of dry food and beverage products. Founded in 1967, their mission is to provide quality employment, job training and residential & community services to individuals with disabilities and other barriers to employment. For more information go to

Written by Jenifer Welch