employee profile - T-V-S Overcoming Challenges | Feeding Our World
James Rigsby Celebrates a Decade at TVS

James Rigsby Celebrates a Decade at TVS

James Rigsby is celebrating his 10th anniversary at TVS as a level III Material Handler. Over the last decade, James has gained experience and grown with TVS. “I have learned to adapt to new things and to have more patience,” he said. “I enjoy getting to provide needs for production. I really love everything about my job, but my favorite part is the people and being just a phone call away.”

Daily, James (aka Jamie) can be found driving a TVS truck from warehouses to the manufacturing facilities, delivering raw materials for production and finished goods for outbound shipments. He is also hands on with loading and unloading all the materials he transports.

Prior to TVS, Jamie worked at other manufacturers in the area including Meritor, Willco, and Coats America, gaining experience as a forklift operator, truck driver, and material handling.

A native of the area, Jamie graduated from Rosman High School. “I have had the privilege of knowing Jamie his entire life and when I came to work at TVS he was a familiar face that I was pleased to see,” said TVS Employee Support Specialist Tracie Fisher. “Jamie is one of the kindest, most genuine, and hardworking people I know.”

Dependable. Dedicated. Diligent. All words echoed from his peers.

“Not long after I went to work at the warehouse, I found myself working late one evening unloading a truck with another employee,” reflects Tracie. “He was off but stopped by to pick up a package that had been delivered for him. He proceeded to call for permission to clock in and help us with a tote of milk that had been knocked over. I’ve never known Jamie not to help.”

The holiday season holds a lot of Jamie’s favorite memories. For the past few years, he has been frying the Thanksgiving turkey for the warehouse employees. One of his favorite memories is dressing up as Sleepy from Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. “It was my first year in shipping and receiving, and the whole department dressed up,” said Shipping and Receiving Supervisor Dakota Cobb. “Jamie always goes above and beyond to do what is needed for TVS. I have known Jamie for 9 years; him and the warehouse team feel like family.”

Even on vacation, Jamie will routinely call to make sure he isn’t needed at work. “He cares about his job,” said TVS Warehouse Manager Shannon Merrill. “Jamie is safety conscious and is very good at what he does.”

When not working, Jamie is camping at Lake Keowee with his wife, Cheryl, and his Yorkie, Daisy. They spend time around a fire, walk in the nearby park, swim, and occasionally explore the lake via a pontoon boat with the radio playing, “The King of Country Music,” George Strait.

“Jamie trained me three years ago as a Material Handler and now we talk every day; I call him my brother,” said Kyle. Kyle confirms that there are numerous memories that he can’t share but with a laugh he asks, “Did you know Jamie loves his Pepsi Cola? I remember him attempting to take trash out one day, but it was winter, and the parking lot had iced over. Jamie slipped and fell on the ice. I watched him stand up, shake it off and take a drink of his unspilled Pepsi. He dropped the trash but never let go of his drink.”

Jamie is one of the “three amigos” at the warehouse, along with Kyle and Justin Coye. His friendly and ‘always there to help’ attitude have been key in creating the family-like atmosphere.

“I’m blessed every day, whether it’s good or bad because at the end of the day, this is still the best job I’ve ever had,” reflects James. “This is an outstanding place to work, and I plan to still be right here in 5 more years.”

Photo above: James with wife Cheryl
Photo above: The faces of James and Kyle photoshopped onto the Step Brothers Movie Poster


Celebrating Brooke’s 10th Anniversary at TVS

Celebrating Brooke’s 10th Anniversary at TVS

“I knew I wanted to help and give back because I can’t imagine doing anything else,” said TVS INTERACT Program Supervisor Brooke Wilson. “There is never a question if I am helping people; I see it every day.” Brooke is celebrating her 10th anniversary of serving and giving back to individuals with disabilities at Transylvania Vocational Services (TVS).

Brooke has been the INTERACT Program Supervisor for the past three years. She is responsible for creating meaningful and engaging activities, setting individual goals and independent plans for each participant and keeping detailed documentation and reports. But her favorite part of the job is getting to be a Direct Support Professional (DSP). “I enjoy getting to jump in and watch them grow and laugh,” she says. “It fuels me when someone is successful, meeting a goal, and growing as a self-advocate and gaining independence.”

In the beginning

Brooke was hired as a DSP in 2014 and promoted over the years to Activity Coordinator and the INTERACT Team Mentor. “Brooke is an exceptional employee.  She has worked in many capacities, DSP, mentor to other DSPs, and is currently supervisor,” said Program Director Carla Hill. “She believes in our mission and purpose, making every effort to ensure that our participants and staff are having meaningful experiences.” 

After graduating high school, Brooke lived in Charleston, Portugal, and Little Rock, Arkansas where she graduated from Arkansas State University with her bachelor’s in criminal justice and minors in sociology, internationals studies, and forensic psychology before moving back home to Brevard in 2011.

“It was actually my senior project in high school along with my personal relationship with friends and family in the disability community that pushed me in this career direction,” said Brooke. “My senior project was helping a woman with down syndrome read and explore the community. This is the experience that lit my fire.”

Describing Brooke

Described as compassionate, encouraging, hardworking, and fun. Brooke has flourished in her INTERACT Supervisor position. “She is always focused on being person-centered and doing what is best for the participants, guided by their interests and needs,” says Program Manager Suzanne Byers.

It takes a special kind of person to be a DSP. “An individual in this position must be able to change directions in a second, work alone with multiple disabled individuals at one time, be aware of and keep all those individuals safe, be engaging with everyone, and be a mentor,” says TVS Employee Support Specialist Tracie Fisher. “It requires a person with a certain character and heart, and Brooke is the perfect example of that. She is a very caring and selfless individual, and it shows in her role at TVS.”

Thinking back over the last decade, Brooke smiles exclaiming, “there are too many favorite moments!” She reflects on numerous company picnics and Christmas parties, Racquet Club pool trips and playing pickleball and ping pong, visiting Sky Top Apple Orchard, the Asheville Art Museum, Arboretum, Carl Sandburg House, PARI, gingerbread houses at the Grove Park Inn, Night to Shine Proms, hikes at Gorges State Park, reimagining Avery’s Place with adventures such as the recent Christmas Cruise and Harry Potter Christmas, and TVS dances.

“I dressed up and danced as a dinosaur at this past Halloween dance,” said Brooke. “Our folks kept asking what I was dressing up as and I told them they would have to wait and see. When they figured it out, we could not stop laughing.”

Tracie also laughs thinking back on Brooke at the TVS dances, “She gets right out there and encourages everyone, even the DSPs, to boogie. She is everyone’s biggest cheerleader and supporter. Brooke is, and will always be, one of my favorite parts of my TVS time.”

According to INTERACT participants, Brooke “has a good heart and is fun to be around.” She also happens to be a “good cornhole partner with a good sense of humor.”

Outside of work

When not at TVS, Brooke can be found doing a lot of similar things such as outdoor activities like hiking, fishing, and swimming. She also can be found with tie dyed hands shopping in a thrift store. Some of her favorite things are babies, the movie Elf, and her family. Brooke is married to her husband, Jamie, and is a proud mom of three; Haiden, Maybrie, and Kennedy.

“Brooke is a sweet person. Our friendship grew when we realized we were cousins and noticed how much we resemble each other,” laughs TVS Housekeeping Supervisor James Gardin. “All jokes aside, she is a very important piece of TVS and in my life, even if she is a ‘Dukie’ or a Duke fan.”

She believes that people should never be underestimated because you never know what they are capable of; give them some time and they will show you. Brooke quotes Neurologist, Oliver Sacks, “I wish for a world that views disability, mental or physical, not as a hindrance but as unique attributes that can be seen as powerful assets if given the right opportunities.”

“I have met some of the most incredible people, coworkers and participants alike, at TVS. They have the same passion and heart for this work and that is something I will carry with me forever,” Brooke reflects. “They have all impacted my life in ways that I could never even come close to doing the same in theirs.”

Borrowed from an INTERACT participant, “Hope for the best but prepare for the rest” is a fun twist on the popular saying, “hope for the best but prepare for the worst.” Brooke prefers the updated version because she doesn’t believe in bad days – just days with different challenges. She says, “I get excited when getting ready for the day. It’s a new adventure and I look forward to what’s next.”

TVS DSP Carolyn Trapp celebrates 15th anniversary!

TVS DSP Carolyn Trapp celebrates 15th anniversary!

Residential Direct Support Professional (DSP) Carolyn Trapp is celebrating her 15th anniversary at TVS! “Carolyn has brought us a wealth of knowledge and lived experience,” said Carla Hill, TVS Programs Director. “She is a dedicated and loyal TVS employee. She has shared her compassion with us for 15 years and I hope she will be with us for 15 more!”

Carolyn taught K-8 Special Education (Varied Exceptionalities) in Alabama before joining the TVS team. Over the years, Carolyn has worked as the Resident Manager of Tanjer House and Fisher Road Group Home, been a provider [DSP] for residents in Supported Living, as well as working as a full-time, part-time, and as a PRN employee.

Throughout all her different career positions at TVS, Carolyn most enjoys working with residents’ families. “They are great, and I understand where they are coming from,” says Carolyn. “I have a brother in a group home in Florida and I want to give others, what I also want my brother to experience in life.”

Carolyn is credited for fostering the bond between the different group homes. She organized hangouts so the residents could visit with others for holidays or special events. The BBQs, picnics, and hangouts are still a favorite among residents. Many of the home residents commented that Carolyn “is a good cook” and that “she is good, polite, and caring.”

“I am blessed to have found TVS,” reflects Carolyn. “I have made close friends with those who work here, and this job has kept me young. It has broadened my horizons and got me out into the community more than I would have been otherwise.”

Thinking back over the last 15 years, Carolyn remembers the first Night to Shine Prom held at the Rec Department. “It was amazing to see everyone celebrated and experience a great evening,” she said.

Carolyn has done it all! – Special Olympics, group vacations to Myrtle Beach, and surprise goth band concerts. “Tanjer was set up to go to a concert at the Orange Peel in Asheville one weekend, years ago,” laughs TVS Residential Coordinator Lynn Brewer. “Carolyn had no idea who they were going to listen to but when they got there it was a goth band.” Surprised by the music genre, Carolyn and the residents walked down the street to a sport bar where they ate peanuts and watched games on the TVs.

Lynn also bragged about Carolyn’s different charts and visual aids that are used by residents to help keep track of which DSP will be there, daily chores, and other aspects in the homes that are constantly changing. “She is very thorough and organized,” says Lynn. “One of her best qualities is helping individuals find their strength and letting them shine!”

Friend and TVS DSP co-worker, Karen Benson, echoes her strengths. “She always comes up with ideas for the best for residents such as techniques for life skill building and her calming demeanor always makes residents feel safe,” said Karen. “Carolyn is one of the most compassionate and caring people I know.”

When not working, Carolyn enjoys watercolor, gardening and getting outside whenever she can, as well as watching her three grandsons.

“I would like to bring more gardening and growth in the community homes,” said Carolyn. “I simply enjoy going through life together with the residents and nurturing their souls.”

Carolyn laughs, “I thought I was coming here for a couple of years, now it’s been 15 years. My wise words of advice would be to ‘just chill’ – take a breath and let things be what they are. It will all be okay.”

Michael Cook celebrates 20 years at TVS!

Michael Cook celebrates 20 years at TVS!

“I have been working here for 20 years,” smiles Michael Cook, TVS Production Associate. “It feels good to see my name above the microwave.”

A rotating slide deck on the breakroom TV displays company activities, health messages, important dates for employees to remember, and to Michael’s comment – it celebrates employee anniversaries.

“You can’t think of TVS and not think of Michael,” said TVS CEO Jamie Brandenburg. “One of the highlights of my workday is receiving a warm greeting from Michael in his own unique way. Often, his greetings remind me of something that happened years ago—and he describes the event down to the smallest detail.”

He can be found closing cartons, passing boxes down a conveyor belt, quality checking canisters to make sure they are clean before packing them into boxes, and wiping cans before they are filled with Mountain Maid Pancake and Waffle Mix. “I have always worked here,” says Michael. Throughout the years, he has also worked in the TVS Kitchen preparing lunch for employees and cleaning the warehouse space as a Quality Housekeeper.

While Michael is trained in every area of production his favorite product to work with are the almonds and walnuts. In 2017, TVS started packaged nuts for the U.S. Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support, which are sent to U.S. Troops around the world.

“Once he is shown how to do something, he knows exactly what to do and you never have to show him again,” said Production Manager Brian Wilson. “I have worked with Michael for four years and it is never a dull moment with him. I absolutely love it!”

Michael is described as kind, positive, smart, and as a good singer and master at song lyrics.

“Michael has a memory like the Library of Congress,” said Brian. “I enjoy talking music with him because he knows the words to any song.”

While working, you might find him dancing and working to the beat of the music.

Production Associate Joanna Morgan has worked with Michael for the last eight years. “He really is a good singer; much better than me,” she laughed. “He is cheerful and smiley with a positive attitude. Michael always says, ‘good job Joanna’ and then gives me a high-five. He high-fives everyone when the achieve things.”

Michael is a fixture at TVS – to echo his supervisor and coworker, “he is loved by all, and he is one of my favorite people to work with.”

Michael’s fun and kind personality is reflected in his life outside work. He enjoys The Cracker Barrel, Chocolate Chip Birthday Cake, and Michelangelo – the orange Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.

When not at TVS, Michael is enjoying the company of his dogs, Apollo and Nova, along with his 4 cats. His other hobbies include watching game shows like The Price is Right and his favorite sitcoms, Three’s Company and The Jeffersons.

Michael also mentioned past adventures at the Mountain State Fair, where he loved to ride the Ferris Wheel and drive Bumper Cars. He has also been involved in the Transylvania County Special Olympics participating in bowling, soccer, swimming, and track and field competitions.

Reflecting over the years, Michael said, “Today has been a great day.”


Lynn Brewer Celebrates 15 Years at TVS!

Lynn Brewer Celebrates 15 Years at TVS!

“Lynn is a master manager, planner, arranger, and always with the individual in mind. Person-centered is how she lives her life,” says TVS Programs Director Carla Hill. “She treats every individual with dignity and respect, helping everyone she supports to speak for themselves.”

Lynn Brewer is celebrating her 15th anniversary at TVS. She does a little bit of everything as the Residential Coordinator including staffing the group homes, handling any maintenance needs, and making sure services and needs for all the individuals are met including doctor appointments and other necessary engagements.

 “She is so awesome. She takes me to all my appointments and hangs out at the house. We have peppermint tea together,” said resident Laura Newton.

“One of my favorite things actually happened during the pandemic. I would take everyone out one at a time; to go and do whatever they wanted,” reflects Lynn. “The residents were always together, and this gave them a little break from that, and I was able to learn what everyone loved to do, one-on-one.”

“She knows how to find places to have fun,” Carla says with a smile. “From train and boat rides, to musicals, 3D movies, Special Olympic Games, and more – if a resident wants an experience, Lynn does everything she can to find an opportunity.”

There have been around 6 or 7 beach trips over the past few years. Both Lynn and the residents remember the beach trips. “Going to Surf City!” said resident Taylor Love excitedly, when asked what fun things he and Lynn have done. “She is funny. We make funny faces back at each other.”

Lynn has always worked in services. When she was first hired at TVS, she was working with individuals on the production line before being asked to help with residential administration. Lynn took over the Tanjer House Group Home in 2008 and a year later the Fisher Road Group Home was established, later followed by Individual Supported Living. 

“I remember saying, ‘I want to work there one day,’” said Lynn about TVS. “I am thankful and grateful to do what I do and to do it here, with all the support. My favorite part of this job is about being an advocate for the individuals we serve.”

Lynn’s fun and caring nature started with her first job at Disney World while she completed high school and before transferring to Greensboro College to pursue a teaching degree in Special Education. “In my senior year I realized that I didn’t want to teach,” said Lynn. “I realized that when these individuals grow up, they will still need services.”

She added a minor in Social Work before graduating in 1982. It was during this time that she also met her husband, Terry, at choir practice. They have been married for 37 years and have two children.

In college, Lynn worked in the residential field and started at Transylvania Association for Disabled Citizens, Inc (TADC) after moving to Brevard. She continued her career as the Activities Director at College Walk and as the United Cerebral Palsy Manager until she welcomed her first daughter.

At TVS, Lynn is dedicated to, “making their lives normal by helping them live the life they want to lead.”

Being Person-centered is an aspect of all the TVS Programs. “Lynn is the most understanding and thoughtful person, she always truly cares about each of us,” said residential DSP Carolyn Trapp. “She has a way of seeing things outside the box. I’m just so glad she has been with TVS for 15 years. She is the best supervisor ever, and a very good friend.”

When not at TVS, Lynn and Terry are very active in the AVL City Church helping with the music and hospitality. She also enjoys reading books and traveling to see her children in Georgia or Seattle. “I have great friends and a great husband. We try to laugh a lot and survive being married,” laughs Lynn. “It’s a simple life, but a life I love.”

Reflecting on the last 15 years at TVS she says, “I am always amazed by how little I know and how much I am still learning. I hope to stay humble and able to learn.”