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TVS employees donate Back to School supplies!

TVS employees donate Back to School supplies!

TVS employees continue to give back to our community! Over the past two weeks, TVS employees donated almost 1600 school supply items to the Sharing House.

The Back to School program provides free school supplies for all low-income students (K-12) living in Transylvania County. The Sharing House estimates to serve 600+ children in 2022!

“This school supply drive was very successful; we easily doubled the amount of donations we received the previous year. TVS employees show a lot of support for our donation drives, my favorite thing about each of our donation drives is seeing the employees so willing to give back to our community!” said Catherine Whitley, HR Generalist. “We decided to host the school supply drive again this year because of who it is benefitting. We all get to see the benefits of this drive in our community and kids. Helping them have a successful school year is a great feeling.”

The largest amounts of donated items included 164 rulers, 135 spiral notebooks, 126 packs of #2 pencils, and 116 packs of Crayons. However, TVS employees also donated hand sanitizer, dry erase markers, disinfecting wipes, and much more.

“This donation drive is our 2nd largest since TVS began donating back in the fall of 2020! Our record is 1700 hygiene items which were donated to S.A.F.E. in 2021,” Whitley said. “Though we didn’t quite pass that during this drive, we are thrilled with our employee participation!”

Prior to the school supply drive, TVS employees also donated dog food to the Labor of Love Pet Rescue during March of 2022.


“It is such a nice feeling being able to give back to this dog rescue,” said HR Administrative Assistant Kayde Hopkins. “Our support with this donation helps fosters care for the pups before they reach their forever homes.”


The total donation equaled just over 40 bags of dry dog food, over 40 bags of treats, and 3 cases of wet food.

Looking ahead for the rest of the year, TVS plans to host the 3rd annual “Give Back, Get Back” donation event. While the donation drives have not been released, TVS employees can expect to have three more ways to give back to their community.

Last year, TVS employees donated to Life Changers Outreach, S.A.F.E., and Operation Christmas Child.

TVS Pre-ETS Helpful Resources

TVS Pre-ETS Helpful Resources

The TVS Preparation for Employment Success team works with the NC Department of Vocational Rehabilitation Pre-Employment Transitions Services (Pre-ETS) program to assist local high school students (ages 14 to 21) with employment after graduation. Information about the Pre-ETS program can be difficult-to-find online. Below are some helpful resources in one easy-to-find place, to better understand the objectives and the qualifications.

To learn more about the TVS Pre-ETS team check our NEWS section for the latest updates.

Current TVS Pre-ETS news: Pre-ETS begins at TVS (2019) TVS Pre-ETS go virtual (2020)

VR Information Handout

Handout from NC Department of Vocational Rehabilitation

TVS Pre-ETS Brochure

Brochure with information about the TVS Pre-ETS program

NC Disability Rights

Complete information about the Pre-ETS program in NC.

Pre-ETS program continue assisting local high schools with a virtual curriculum

Pre-ETS program continue assisting local high schools with a virtual curriculum

In response to the dramatic changes in high school operations due to COVID-19, the TVS Pre-ETS team has been working virtually to continue assisting local high school students with job preparation skills.

The TVS Preparation for Employment Success team works with the North Carolina Department of Vocational Rehabilitation Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) program to assist students with an IEP or 504 plan in Transylvania and Henderson County High Schools. Since the beginning of the school year, Pre-ETS has worked with each high school to best allow for the easiest and safest collaboration.

TVS Pre-ETS Team Lead Jessica Casey and TVS Pre-ETS Program Specialist Montana White, have been working with almost 160 students in six separate high schools within the two counties via computer screens.

“With the semester being virtual, we have actually been able to meet with classes more often and offer extra help when students need more discussion,” said Casey. All the high schools are organized differently to best accommodate social distancing and health safety. Currently, Pre-ETS teachers are teaching a total of 24 classes and are in the process of adding one more to their schedules.

To best accommodate the virtual world, Pre-ETS teachers have changed their education tactics. In the past Pre-ETS has used games and interactive activities, which are no longer options. Instead worksheets, videos, reflections and discussions have become the daily activities.

“We have been very successful transforming our curriculum for a virtual platform,” said White. “The students are actively participating and fully engaged in our activities.”

The virtual curriculum changes have the Pre-ETS team planning some fun new experiences. Casey and White are in the beginning stages of planning virtual tours of local businesses. The tours will be recorded and posted on the students Google Classroom for students to get an idea of what working in that specific location would be like.

Looking ahead, Casey says, “we are happy and excited to deliver whatever the schools need from us as decisions are made about the Spring semester.”

New TVS program for students with disabilities in full swing

New TVS program for students with disabilities in full swing

Brevard, NC (November 22, 2019) – Transylvania Vocational Services (TVS) has partnered with exceptional children’s programs in Transylvania and Henderson county high schools, along with the North Carolina Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) to supplement job readiness training and employment-related skills in their curriculums.

The TVS program, Preparation for Employment Success, is designed to provide Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) to students with disabilities between the ages of 14 and 21. Services are designed to assist students in identifying and exploring potential career interests, as well as develop an understanding of work readiness skills necessary to be successful in the working world, or continue into higher education.

Click here to read the full PDF or to view the Transylvania Times article.