school supply drive - T-V-S Overcoming Challenges | Feeding Our World
TVS supports Sharing House School Supply Drive in 3rd annual donation

TVS supports Sharing House School Supply Drive in 3rd annual donation

TVS HR representatives stand beside the organized school supply donations.

TVS employees proudly donated 2,422 items to the Transylvania County Sharing House “Back to School” donation drive. This is the 3rd annual donation event TVS has hosted to assist the Sharing House’s continued support for children in the county.

“TVS’ generous donations allow the students of Transylvania to get the supplies they need to make their school year easier,” said Sharing House Special Projects Manager Lynn Traub. “Thanks to TVS employees, the families of this county do not have to worry about the financial cost of school supplies.”  

Last year the Sharing House helped over 600 students, grades K-12, with school supplies, backpacks, new shoes and socks, and new underwear. This year they anticipate exceeding that number.

“We saw more participation this year from employees,” reflected HR Benefits and Wellness Specialist Kayde Hopkins. “This is the largest amount we have collected for this drive and that speaks volumes about our employees and their community support.”

TVS’ first school supply drive in 2021 had 885 items donated, followed by just over 1600 items donated in 2022.

Items donated included #2 pencils, colored pencils, notebooks, glue sticks, crayons, highlights, children’s scissors, and pencil sharpeners.

“The Sharing House provides an unique opportunity for families to shop for their school supplies,” said Hopkins. Children have the freedom to pick the items that they want and like from the donated supplies that meet the needs of their school lists.

Shopping appointments for “Back to School” are from July 31 – August 25. You must be a resident of Transylvania County to be eligible. Please call 828-884-2866 to schedule an appointment. Learn more about the Sharing House at:


TVS HR representatives stand beside the organized school supply donations.