“If you are thinking of working for TVS, GO FOR IT! Learn as much as you can now, and prepare yourself for the professional world by asking as many questions as you can.”
- Grew up in Rosman
- Graduated from Rosman High School in 2014
- Graduated from Brevard College in 2018 with double major in English & Religious Studies
- Work prior to TVS: Subway; Jarrett’s in Rosman
- Started at TVS in May 2018
- Why TVS? My heart has always been in social work and here I can grow and help others in their own journeys.
- How TVS supports your growth: Taught me to look for the bright side very day. Even on dreary mornings, someone offers a kind word or smile to brighten my day.
- Skills essential for your success: Timeliness, documentation, communication, patience, problem solving, and thinking on my feet.
- Favorite things about working here: Everyone works as a team; respect and appreciation is common practice.
- A favorite TVS memory: Seeing how excited the INTERACT program participants were to exhibit and sell their artwork at the recent Holiday sale.