Anniversary profile - T-V-S Overcoming Challenges | Feeding Our World - Page 4

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Recognizing Lechai Owen for 10 years at TVS

Recognizing Lechai Owen for 10 years at TVS

“When I was first hired they sucked me in with their caring nature,” Lechai Owen said with a laugh. It has been 10 years since Lechai became part of the TVS team.

“It was such an awesome welcoming that it felt like a family. It made me want to be here, I could see and feel the values we stand for,” she said. “I am forever, both personally and professionally, appreciative of my time here.”


Lechai is leaving TVS as the Accounts Receivable Specialist. She was originally hired into payroll and billing in 2009, and has also been the customer service representative for the troop contracts.

“Lechai was a huge help with the billing of the government contracts,” said COO Becky Alderman. “Her competency made my life so much easier.”

Described as a ray of sunshine, smart and inventive, Lechai is valued by her TVS peers and supervisors.

“She is one of those people that you always count on,” said Production Scheduler and Purchasing Manager Donna Stroup.

There was one winter where Donna broke her right arm while walking her dogs and Lechai broke her left while extreme sledding. “It was a ball of fun at work,” and Lechai. “Together we made one person.”


Lechai’s other memories include Christmas parties with Santa and a hayride, dumpster diving at the warehouse, and company picnics with dunk tanks.

“I was in the dunk tank one year so my former boss, Rilla Hughart, could dunk me prior to her retiring,” said Lechai.

Before this year, Lechai organized the past company picnics with activities including; dunking booths, water balloons, and egg races. 


“She is a classic pie-in-the-face kinda gal,” said Becky. “Her upbeat disposition constantly had everyone enjoying their time.”

Robin Ervin, Customer Relation Specialist said, “It doesn’t matter if it is for fun or work related, she is constantly thinking ahead.”

This current year, Lechai was the star pitcher for the TVS softball team and has participated on the company volleyball team in past years. She is also a member of the TVS book club, and has been seen around Halloween dressed up as Mrs. Potato Head or a witch.


“Lechai will forever be the original fun fairy at TVS, you know when she is in the room.” said CEO Jamie Brandenburg. “She was always pushing to be festive for the holidays and decorating the facility with Christmas lights.”

 Family is an important aspect in Lechai’s life. Outside TVS, she can be found enjoying the company of her pups, Mickey and Mia.


 “When she adopted Mickey, I think I began to understand what she was really made of,” said Former CEO Advisor, Nancy Stricker. “Even though it wasn’t work related, it spoke to me about her ability to be loyal and her strength to work through the hard stuff.”


Looking back on her TVS family, Lechai said, “I am most thankful for my supportive coworkers and this wonderful work family. It is the little moments that have made it awesome to work here.”

 Even people who are not directly involved in any of the TVS programs have been impactful. “There is one man that calls every week to check on Robin and me,” she said.

There was one year where Lechai and Robin sent him a birthday card. When he called to thank them for act of kindness, he jokingly said, “You know Christmas is coming soon, will I get a card then, too?”

As an ambassador of TVS, Lechai has been the face a lot of clients and families have come to know over the years.


 “She will be greatly missed,” said Becky. “She has seen TVS through some tough times but she has hung with it and has helped bring us to our good times.”

“I am grateful for the opportunity to learn, grow, and to be a part of this amazing company,” said Lechai. “It has humbled me.”

Written by Jenifer Welch


Honoring Cathy Miller for 25 Years of Service

Honoring Cathy Miller for 25 Years of Service

Cathy Miller has worked at Transylvania Vocational Services (TVS) consecutively for 25 years working in many different departments. Prior to her consecutive years, Cathy was previously hired at TVS in the 80s bringing her grand total to 37 years of experience.

Before coming to TVS, Cathy worked at the Brevard Music Center in the kitchen. She continued with her love of being in the kitchen as one of her many jobs at TVS.

Cathy’s first job at TVS was as a production worker making x-ray film boxes for the DuPont Company and loading them into large gaylords. Cathy has also worked in the kitchen, in the INTERACT program with Gwenda Schuler as her Supervisor, as a machine operator, and as a production operator as TVS has grown and evolved over the years.

“My favorite place to work is in production on line four packaging bakery mix and when we were packaging chocolate chips,” said Cathy. “I am looking forward to seeing new products and switching up my jobs around here.”

TVS CEO Jamie Brandenburg said, “We are blessed to have Cathy as a part of the TVS family for 25 years. Having employees with such longevity is part of what makes TVS such a special place to work!”

While the list of stories Cathy could tell about TVS would take hours, her favorite memories revolve around the company picnics, Christmas parties surrounded by families of coworkers, and the TVS award ceremonies.

“From all the picnics, I have a huge stack of shirts,” said Cathy. “I also really enjoyed going to the Source America National Conference in Atlanta. That was a good time.”

Other memories date further back to when TVS had a kitchen that served different food daily including: hot dogs, lasagna, or salad. “I miss working with past supervisors, Vera Harris and Era Byers, from the DuPont days,” Cathy said.

Becky Alderman, COO, has been on the journey with Cathy since the beginning of her career at TVS. “Cathy is one of the original employees,” said Becky. “She is a part of TVS that helps pass on our culture by quietly helping new people by showing them the right away.”

According to Cathy, Becky and retired CEO, Nancy Stricker “were like second moms” and claimed, with a laugh, that they would say that they raised her. However, Becky disagreed by saying, “We all raised each other, we had a lot to learn and it was so important that we all supported each other.”

Cathy is interwoven into the fabric of TVS and does have some advice after 25 years, “Be yourself, go by the rules and don’t get in trouble ‘cause it don’t take much to get into trouble.”

Her hobbies outside work include baking desserts, working in a garden, and crafting. Luckily, for fellow employees at TVS some of her passions show up at work.

“She has been so sweet to remember my birthday,” Becky said. “She always drops a little something off.” For Becky’s birthday a few years ago, Cathy created a t-shirt that made a funny play on Becky’s birthday falling on Tax Day.

“The company is blessed to have her,” said Becky. “I don’t know where we would be without her.”

For the birthday of Cathy’s best friend, Patricia Fisher, she made a Better Than Sex cake.

“She needs to open her own restaurant and bake,” said Pat.

Pat works in Housekeeping and has been laughing with Cathy for 22 years. “I remember Cathy telling me, ‘don’t get overwhelmed’ when I was first hired,” recalls Pat. “Back when we first started, we sometimes had to work weekends and we would be so tired that we would just laugh and then Vera would laugh, just making us laugh even harder.”

Cathy is a kind and gentle soul that you could call if you ever needed help.”

Operations Manager Mark Mulenex has worked with Cathy for 19 years. “Cathy always brings in pies and cakes for the guys on their birthdays, but she sneaks them in and leaves them on the desk,” said Mark.

Cathy has always been the person behind the scenes, never wanting to be the center of attention but also viewed as a mother figure on the production floor.

“She is always seen smiling and laughing when she is here and is missed when she has a day off,” said Mark. “She is strong and dedicated; a true TVS person ever since I’ve known her.”

Written by: Jenifer Welch